We play against teams from all over London and the South East. No matter what your level, there should be something for you...
Already a member of another London chess club? (top)
We think our payment structure is ideal for people like you.
You might want to play the odd extra match here and there, but don't want to pay any more subscription fees. Well, since we don't have any subscription fees, you can just pay your £2.50 for a single extra match with us. No problem. Please have a look around the site and Contact Us if you're interested.
Just passing through London and fancy a match? (top)
We think our payment structure is ideal for people like you.
You might only be in London for a few weeks, so it doesn't make sense for you to pay loads of money for just one or two games. Well, since we don't have any subscription fees, you can just pay your £2.50 for a single match with us. No problem. Please have a look around the site and Contact Us if you're interested.
Looking to play match chess for the first time? (top)
Great! Contact Us, let us know about you, and we'll find a match to suit your level. You pay just £2.50 for the match, and if you don't want to play again, you won't have to pay a penny more. We think you'll like it though.
Looking to play casual chess? (top)
Please take a look at Club Nights, and come along to the club or Contact Us for more information.
Club Fundraising (top)
Help us raise money for FREE! Click the link below and shop at your favourite online stores, and Dulwich Chess Club will get some money :)